Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Elements and Principles in 3D Form

My Work In Progress:


Before starting this project I was inspired by the song "White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes (see "List #4: Music I Love" to listen to the song). After listening to the song I thought I had an exact idea of what each of my sculptures would be... needless to say, they did evolve and deviate from my original ideas. For this particular sculpture, I had in mind one of the lines of the song- "scarves of red tied 'round their throats". Instead of painting the neck, as I had originally planned, I chose to leave the sculpture as simply lips and I throat. I decided to do this after the peer evaluations when someone mentioned that it demonstrated texture through the way I was able to smooth it like actual skin. I loved making this piece because it was such an amazing experience- I have never sculpted, carved, or even really worked with wood. But even though everything was new and unusual I was somehow able to make my idea come to life through this sculpture. It really was an organic process that came so naturally to me that it just felt right.