Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Elements and Principles in 3D Form

My Work In Progress:


Before starting this project I was inspired by the song "White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes (see "List #4: Music I Love" to listen to the song). After listening to the song I thought I had an exact idea of what each of my sculptures would be... needless to say, they did evolve and deviate from my original ideas. For this particular sculpture, I had in mind one of the lines of the song- "scarves of red tied 'round their throats". Instead of painting the neck, as I had originally planned, I chose to leave the sculpture as simply lips and I throat. I decided to do this after the peer evaluations when someone mentioned that it demonstrated texture through the way I was able to smooth it like actual skin. I loved making this piece because it was such an amazing experience- I have never sculpted, carved, or even really worked with wood. But even though everything was new and unusual I was somehow able to make my idea come to life through this sculpture. It really was an organic process that came so naturally to me that it just felt right. 


This sculpture did not come as easily as the rest. I did not enjoy working with the tape, but I was able to make it work. I was again inspired by the song and wanted to somehow display its repetition. I began by sticking pins through the bottom of the wood and then layering the masking tape over the line of pins, after I created my basic pattern I removed the pins from the base which created an interesting dome of negative space, which I later filled with saw dust creating a foggy inside of the dome. I mirrored the pattern below with the wood. I think the result was quite interesting.

Focal Point: 

This piece was another one that just organically happened. There was really no complex or artistic process to this piece, but it was really fun to make. After I layered the wood like steps I immediately wanted to stick a dowel-rod through the top to stabilize the structure (I am not sure why). When I was using the dowel-rod I accidentally pulled the top apart and it started to fray. In the end, the stair-like structure seemed to guide the viewer's eyes to the split top of the rod, making it clear that the sculpture would best represent focal point. 


My last piece was also inspired by "White Winter Hymnal." In the song it repeats the line, "I was following the" over and over, and as I was listening I thought of the footprints that would be left behind. I was originally going to head in a different direction, but while I was in the studio one night a fellow student offered me her sawdust and I was immediately stoked to make footprints. After having so much fun sculpting the neck, I knew I wanted to sculpt something else, so I decided on a foot. I thought it would be interesting to demonstrate scale by making the foot significantly larger that the footprints, and that it might provoke some stimulating conversation and responses. 

Since coming to Flagler College I have been nervous about my education here- I am majoring in Graphic Design, despite the fact that I have only taken one drawing class since elementary school, I am totally unfamiliar with computers, and I have never really seen myself as "creative" or particularly skilled in creating "good" art. Art was always something that came pretty naturally to me, and I knew that I enjoyed it and could make money in graphic design- which is why I am here in St. Augustine. But before this project I was never "sold" on the idea of being an artist. After feeling how natural working with the wood and my own hands was, I finally feel like I might be able to do this. I also believe that I was able to solve the task given effectively and creatively.


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